When I first got to the States over 25 years ago, I was surprised by some security failings I saw. I began pointing them out to first responders and security personnel at seminars and conferences. It seemed what I was talking about was falling on deaf ears. Recently, however, I’ve begun noticing some of the things I mentioned changing during my travels.


The first security failure I spotted was fire exit signs being placed above doors. That’s great when there isn’t a fire. When there is a fire, however, the placement of those signs is about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
For the uninitiated, thick, stygian, black smoke will roil across the top two-thirds of whatever structure is burning. If you’re in a hotel corridor, for example, you’re going to be crawling on your hands and knees. Try and stand, and you’ll be overcome by the heat and smoke inhalation. That goes for any structure, which means if the exit signs are above the doors, you won’t be able to see them.


I remember watching a current affairs program years ago that covered this. It was after a hotel fire, maybe the one in Vegas. They got volunteers in hotel rooms, pumped smoke in the corridor, and had them evacuate. They miscalculated and went the wrong way. According to the subject matter expert on hand, everyone would have burnt to death.
A pic of a fire exit sign placed correctly for a blog article by Nick Hughes on security failings.

Recently, on the way back from an 18 State 6,000-mile motorbike ride, I stayed in a hotel in Colorado. How nice to see this.


The next security failure that would always have me shaking my head was the placement of hooks in bathroom stalls. Anyone who’s read my book knows that a common scam is to reach over the door of the bathroom stall and swipe anything hanging from it. Why not place the hook lower? Why not stick it in the middle of the door instead of 2 inches from the top? Recently I happened across an airport bathroom that got it right. It seems there’s hope after all.

A pic by Nick Hughes for a blog post about security failings



I might understand the glacial rate of change if said change cost a lot. Placing the fire exit sign down low is probably less risky and cheaper than up high because you don’t even need a ladder. The screws on the hook on the bathroom stall being moved down a foot or two? Nothing at all.


The next post will be about the same type of issue, only this one cost a bunch of law enforcement officers their lives.


Security Failings
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Security Failings
A post about some security failings, simple fixes and the glacial rate of change.
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How To Be Your Own Bodyguard
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