You Better Believe It


In 1953 nobody in the world believed man could run a mile in under four minutes. Even doctors and scientists said that lungs would burst, hearts would explode, runners would die and that such a record was “unconquerable.” Could it be done? You better believe it. Despite what the experts and medical professionals said someone conquered the unconquerable.

Roger Bannister

His name was Roger Bannister. Born in 1929 he was a 25-year-old medical student in 1954 when he broke the record with a time of 3.59.4 in front of a crowd of 3,000.

As an instructor of self-defence, and therefore human potential, I’m not really concerned about Mr Bannister’s achievement. What I am fascinated with is that following his record-breaking run other runners began doing the same thing. A couple of months later an Australian John Landy did it. Ten years after an American high school student John Ryun did it. Now, most good runners can do it and the world record is currently 3.43.13. That’s over fifteen seconds faster than Bannister’s time.

What Changed?

Only one thing changed after Mr Bannister’s run and only one thing. The air didn’t develop less resistance. The running shoes didn’t come with little rocket boosters. No superfood appeared on the market. The only thing that changed was the belief that it could be done. Belief. Simple word but oh how so powerful?

I run into students all the time with limiting beliefs. “I could never stick my fingers in someone’s eyes” “I couldn’t train with you, it’s too hard.” “There’s no way I could fight a mob and win” “I can’t do push-ups” “It’s too hard.” “I’m too small” “I’m too old” and the list goes on.

Limitations vs Potential

It’s funny, isn’t it? As an instructor at Warriors Krav Maga, I am concerned with my student’s potential (which is huge) while a lot of them seem too concerned with what their limitations are. I’m constantly reminding them of the girl who fought off, and captured, the sexual predator during a bathroom break while out on a run. Her mantra was simple “Not today motherf**ker.” How elegant and how perfect. A simple belief that made all the difference in the world. It wasn’t going to happen that day. She believed it. She prevailed.

What Are Yours?

So, what are your limiting beliefs? What do you erroneously believe that’s holding you back? What could you, like the experts in 1953, be wrong about. What record haven’t you broken because of something you believe. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you can’t — you’re right.” You better believe it. Watch for the upcoming successors to my book where we’ll go into this mindset in more detail.

You Better Believe It
Article Name
You Better Believe It
An article about limiting beliefs and how detrimental they are to everyone.
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Warriors Krav Maga
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